Now do you want to have a healthy skin?

Say NO to ordinary chemical soap and experiment with your new brand by switching to Splina Soap with 100% natural Chlorophyll!

Made with the finest chlorophyll concentrate extracted from the tender young leaves of the white mulberry tree. These leaves are a rich source of chlorophyll, known for their stimulating power for health, without any secondary risks; recommended for all ages, including pregnant women and children.

The healing power of chlorophyll

Rich in essential minerals, chlorophyll, present in almost all species of green plants (to which it gives the green coloring), is a natural supplement, formerly used by the Greeks because of its power to heal various diseases, wounds and abrasions.

Chlorophyll offers powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that promote rapid healing of wounds by stimulating the repair of damaged tissue.

Chlorophyll and its derivatives have the ability to absorb sunlight. When applied to the skin, it reduces the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Chlorophyll also inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria while destroying those already present on the body.


Advantages of Splina Chlorophylle Soap

  • Eliminates pimples
  • Heals wounds
  • Natural antiseptic that kills bacteria
  • Get rid of body odor
    Pleasant and resistant perfume

Packaging of Splina Chlorophylle Soap

Box of one piece

Box of three (3) pieces for the price of two (2)

The benefits of chlorophyll are well known. For a beautiful and healthy skin, choose the natural soap Splina Chlorophylle from EDMARK.Advantages of Splina Chlorophylle Soap


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